Sunday, July 25, 2010

While on the River I saw the biggest Sturgeon EVER

This is Audrey

And Saturday our good friends Hal and Audrey were so kind as to share their beautiful boat and take us out to the Sacramento River.

Friday, Martina McBride at the State Fair.

I had such a great week. I must admit I have missed Trevor more than I thought I would. I have been pretty sad. However we have been so busy it has taken my mind off of my loss until today. Sundays are pretty boring now.
Tuesday we went to a birthday party for Shelly. Wednesday we went to a late night swim/bonfire with our old fogie friends without kids at home. Thursday the Temple.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ready for the 14 hour road trip

I have had so much fun with Jannica here. Today is a sad day. I have lost another little chick from the nest. Trevor and Jannica left early this morning for Wenatchee Washington. Life as I know it is going to be so quiet. Only one little chick left, and he is the one who doesn't make much noise. Yesterday we went to the State Fair in Sacramento Ca. It was alot of fun. They had the Fab Four, who sound and look so much like the Beatles.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Trevor at the top

Rocklin 4th Ward Priest Quorem

While Jannica and I were playing, the men were hiking
Half Dome in Yosemity

Friday, July 9, 2010

We also went to the San Francisco Zoo. Jannica has a
great video of the ape sticking his tounge out at us.
What a great weekend.

We were so lucky and were able to go see Wicked in SanFrancisco.
I loved it just as much as when I saw it in New York. I am ready to
go again if anyone is up for it. I love Wicked!

Jannica came to visit and take Trevor away from us.
She will be driving back to Wenatchee with him soon.

On the 4th of July we also said goodbye to one of our favorite missionaries.
Elder Dyer, from Texas.

We were attacked by killer June bugs. LOTS of them.

Fourth of July in Auburn Ca. waiting for fireworks with the Bobergs

We went with good friend Dave and Shelly Knotts

I am so thankful for our freedom in this great country we live in.
Fourth of July weekend we went to the Folsom Rodeo. This guy jumped
out of a plane. The flag was huge once he landed.

Monday, July 5, 2010

This was in the underground caves. They also went zipplineing throught the jungle.


A little quading

This was interesting. These carvings had in the first one and image of a God.
In the middle, another image of a God. And in the third one it was empty. Representing the
Holy Ghost.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

These were some lucky people living here.

My posing iguana

The Ancient Mayan Ruins of Tulum

Devin at work
oh yes, Trevor being Trevor

We waited for the paint a long time. Then they totally watered it down

A little break from Catchy ball with Apple soda

Dancing with the Mexican ladies.

If you don't need it just throw it on the roof.

Our service day in Playa de Carmen


Dinner at the resort with Doug and Danai, Rick and Monica, and Paul and Connie.

We stayed at the Grand Riviera Princess. It was very nice,but way to spread out.

Hammock time

We had a really cool room. Never used the jacuzzi tub, way to humid.

Playa de Carmen here comes Upstage.
These are the boys we chaperoned all week. There were 28 kids in all.